Welcome to Tales from the Classroom
My name is Tracy Schlepphorst. I am the author of two children’s books, Eden and Her Happy and Henry and His Manners. I love to visit schools and share with students the excitement of writing and reading, along with my very important message of “Happy” on the inside (Eden and Her Happy) and the importance of manners (Henry and His Manners).
My visits are geared to meet your needs. I enjoy presenting to large groups as much as I do individual classrooms. I am happy to discuss my fees and also have ideas on how you may obtain sponsorships to cover my visit. If possible I would like the opportunity to sign books for students while I am visiting, this can easily be done with my preorder form. This makes things super easy for everyone and the kids get so excited when they are handed an autographed book by an author they met in person!
When I leave your classroom your students will be inspired to read and write in a whole new way, as well as have a new perspective of their emotions. I begin each session by reading the book of your choice. I tell them that they get to know the author secrets, things like how I took an idea and turned it into a picture book. We go page by page and find all of the hidden gems.
Please visit my Author Visit Page to learn more. You may also call or email my Agent, Lisa Pemberton: 573-795-2539 or psslisa@gmail.com.
Please follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EdenandHerHappy/ or email any additional questions at: Edenandherhappy@yahoo.com.
Let your Happy shine!